20 Things GTA 6 Should Steal from GTA 4

20 Things GTA 6 Should Steal from GTA 4

If you ask any GTA fan whether GTA 4 or GTA 5 is more realistic, most will say GTA 4 – and for good reason. While playing GTA 4 recently, I noticed several incredible features that Rockstar removed in GTA 5. So, here are 20 things from GTA 4 that should definitely return in GTA 6.

Hai i’m nikki and today i tell you “20 Things GTA 6 Should Steal from GTA 4”

Car Engine Behavior

In GTA 4, when you exit a car normally, the engine remains on, allowing for a quick getaway. However, if you hold the exit button, the character turns off the engine before getting out. GTA 5 removed this feature, making every exit unnecessarily slow. GTA 6 should bring this back.

Music Playing from Parked Cars

If you leave the radio on while exiting a car in GTA 4, you can still hear the music playing from inside, just like in real life. This tiny but immersive detail was missing in GTA 5.

Realistic Driving Physics

GTA 4 had the most realistic driving physics in the series. Cars felt weighty, leaned while turning, and reacted properly to acceleration and braking. High-speed chases were intense because vehicles could become uncontrollable. GTA 5 made cars feel too light, so GTA 6 should find a balance between realism and fun.

More Detailed Vehicle Damage

In GTA 4, cars took damage in a more realistic way. If you hit a wall hard, your car’s body would crumple. If you crashed too severely, the engine could die permanently. GTA 5 toned this down, but GTA 6 should bring back advanced damage mechanics.

Enterable Hospitals

Unlike GTA 5, GTA 4 allowed players to enter hospitals at any time, making the world feel more immersive. GTA 6 is rumored to have more interiors, so hopefully, hospitals and other key buildings will be accessible.

Police Database Access

In GTA 4, players could access police computers inside cop cars, search criminal records, and track down targets. This was a cool detective-style feature that was completely removed in GTA 5. GTA 6 should reintroduce it with even more depth.

Side Missions for Hunting Criminals

Using the police database, players could hunt down wanted criminals. This was a great side activity in GTA 4, but GTA 5 did not include it. GTA 6 should bring back these dynamic side missions.

Eating at Restaurants and Street Vendors

GTA 4 had multiple restaurants and even hot dog stands where players could buy food to restore health. GTA 5 had food brands but didn’t let players eat at restaurants. GTA 6 should bring this feature back.

Toll Booths on Bridges

GTA 4 had toll booths where players had to pay before crossing bridges. If you tried to skip the toll, the police would chase you. GTA 5 completely removed this system, but GTA 6, with its rumored multiple cities, should bring toll booths back for realism.

Disarming Enemies by Shooting Their Hands

In GTA 4, players could shoot enemies’ hands to make them drop their weapons. This was an incredible detail missing in GTA 5. GTA 6 should bring back this level of precision.

Picking Up and Throwing Objects

In GTA 4, players could pick up random objects like bottles or bricks and throw them at people. This added an extra layer of fun, especially when breaking windows or knocking down NPCs. GTA 6 needs to reintroduce this mechanic.

More Realistic NPC Reactions

GTA 4 had superior ragdoll physics, making NPCs react more naturally to collisions. Running into pedestrians would make them stumble instead of just falling down instantly. GTA 6 should restore this physics system.

More Interactive Emails

In GTA 4, players could visit cyber cafés to access the internet, a realistic feature considering the game’s timeline. Additionally, players had multiple response options for emails—positive or negative. GTA 5 simplified this, but GTA 6 should bring back multiple-choice responses for more immersion.

Ledge Grabbing and Parkour

GTA 4 allowed players to grab ledges and move sideways while hanging, adding extra movement options. GTA 5 removed this, but GTA 6 should bring it back for better parkour mechanics.

ATM Withdrawals and Robberies

While players couldn’t use ATMs in GTA 4, NPCs could. If you waited near an ATM, you could rob people after they withdrew cash. GTA 6 should expand on this by allowing players to use ATMs and create new robbery mechanics.

NPCs Throwing Trash from Cars

A tiny but realistic detail in GTA 4 was NPC drivers throwing trash, like empty cans, out of their car windows. GTA 6 should bring back these small environmental interactions.

Police Checkpoints on Bridges and Tunnels

GTA 4 had police checkpoints where officers randomly stopped vehicles for security checks. This was an immersive feature that added realism, and it should return in GTA 6.

Giving Money to Homeless NPCs

In GTA 4, homeless NPCs could approach players and ask for money. Players had the choice to give them cash, and if police were chasing you, some homeless NPCs would even help you escape. This level of NPC interaction should return in GTA 6.

Better Hand-to-Hand Combat

GTA 4’s melee system was more interactive, allowing characters to push enemies before punching them. In GTA 5, melee combat was faster but lacked this small detail. GTA 6 should include both improved combos and push mechanics.

More Interactive World Details

GTA 4 had countless tiny details that made the world feel alive, like NPCs reading newspapers, checking their watches, or reacting differently depending on the situation. GTA 6 should bring back this level of world-building.

These 20 details made GTA 4 feel more immersive and realistic than GTA 5. If Rockstar Games wants to make GTA 6 the ultimate open-world experience, they need to bring back these features.

What details from GTA 4 do you want to see in GTA 6? Let me know in the comments! Also, check out my other posts for the latest GTA 6 news. Stay tuned for more updates!

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